Tuesday 7 August 2018

First Impressions: Summer 2018

It has been a crazy summer so far... we are already 5 weeks in and i haven't been able to start anything... that changes today

Same rules as always.
1. I wont be talking about any shows that are starting a new season UNLESS i have already watched all the previous stuff.
2. No shows with Brother/Sister in the titlte (and to a lesser extent Mother/Father) cause it's so often incesty and i don't like that.
3. No shows that are less then 20 minutes. sometimes i watch them but waiting week to week for a 3 min gag isn't enjoyable for me.
4. No card game shows/shows aimed to sell toys to children. I don't have an issue with these kinda of shows i just don't tend to enjoy.

I will do my best to give every show i have access to a shot but I make no promises about how long i stick around.

Returning shows

Kakuriyo Bead and Breakfast for Spirits
Still loving this show. the location and plot has changed a bit for the second cour but it's still cute and engaging.

My Hero Academia
Love it, it's great seeing some of the stuff i've already read in the manga animated and i can't wait for them to get to a certain scene

Persona 5
Keeps getting better with each week, i know people give it a hard time but i think it's doing a pretty good job of showing the story of the game in an anime.

Steins;Gate 0
Fantastic, absolutely heartbreaking and the slightly different intro song is just the perfect sum up of the show. can't wait to see what happens.

New shows:

Well this is some very intense badminton.
I will say right off the bat it is nice to see a anime with a mostly female cast playing a sport and not being hyper fanservice.
Like yes the animation pushes how far they can twist with each return but I think thats more for impact then titillation.
That all being said I'm not really a fan of sports anime. The ones i do enjoy present an interesting character. (Kuroko: A player with no presence making up for lack of basic skills, Haikyuu: A player who wants to be the ace but has to deal with the fact that he wont be growing anymore, Yuri on Ice: A skater who has no confidence in himself going on a journey of self discovery.)
Unfortunately for this show i'm not sure what angle they are going for... Player who was beaten so badly that they just want to do anything to improve? Player that that got tired of utterly destroying their opponents so they gave up the sport entirely? a small club with some potential but it just needs the right nurturing coach?
Right now it feels like it's going for all the things but that also makes it feel unfocused. The animation is good, but past that i didn't enjoy anything about this first episode. Not a bad show i just don't think it's for me.

Well.... thats a new take on tripping and landing in an awkward place.... though something tells me if that really happened the dude wouldn't just be midly confused but actually in a lot of pain.
Well... ok... It's a high production pervy show trying to legitimize itself by having this "mystery of the island" but lets be honest the main point of this is fanservice (i mean equal oppertunity fanservice i guess) and there is nothing wrong with that but it's not the kind of show I enjoy.
So yeah not bad but not a show i will continue.

Mr. Tonegawa Middle Management Blues
... I was hoping this show would be short... oh well...
Is this by the same guy who makes the mahjong anime? i mean this is card games... and other games i guess...
Ok so looked it up.... this show has a "parent" show called ultimate survivor kaiji (and i have now had spoiled for me thanks to the intreo of this show... and i guess the title)
so i'm going to count this as a sequel to a show i have not seen and pass for now... it looks a bit too goofy for me anyways.

How Not to Summon a Demon Lord
Oh it's an Issekai title... well this will either be cute and endearing or awful since i swear the genre doens't have a middle ground...but considering the amount of fanservice in the intro song and the rampant same face syndrome i'm kinda leaning towats the latter... still going to give it a small chance.
man this is irritating. So this should would be really cute and clever and funny if not forthat fact that he is constantly imagining these girls nakid and the fanservice is so over the top.... maybe the later episodes are better but this is just creepy. I'ts like Overlord but far more pervy so yeah.. fi thats what you want go for it.
Damn i was hopign this would be good.

Chio's School Road
It's a comedy show about a girl who games a lot? i guess... i couldn't make it past the 7 min mark.. too gross... bailing
Also looks like a more fanservicy nichijo so... i guess if thats what you want... i dunno...

Haruhana Recieve
. . . I'm not going to be watching anything this season at this rate.
Yeah fuck this I have Haikyuu
It's a beach volleyball anime that seems to enjoy ass level shots so yeah.... i'm good.

Angels of Death
Ok the art i've seen for this looks really good... please... please let this be watchable
Hm... not sure, I know it's based on an rpg maker game but not sure if I'm going to enjoy something so morbid
that being said...... I'll probably continue cause there is just so little right now and I suspect it'll get better with the world being revealed more.

Cells at work!
Have you wanted to see and Anthropomorphize working of the body but you didn't enjoy Osmosis Jones? then this show may be the one for you.
It's a silly little show with some great character designs and some funny body humor jokes (the sneeze was pretty darn good) however for me there want nothing to make me want to watch more. the one episode was enough. perhaps that'll change but for now it's a pass despite it not being a bad show.

Planet With
What if one day you woke up, you were living with weirdos but hey they feed you so thats good. Suddenly Aliens show and and the weirdos tell you to go fight.... but they don't mean the alien... no they want you to fight the 7 heroes who have gone to fight the alien.
The 3d is a bit mediocre... and i've never been a fan of mech anime... but the base concept and the amount of info given in this first episode was really interesting so i'll probably give it a few more.

The Master of Ragnarok & Blessed of Einherjar
And we are back to the fanservice bullshit.... and Isekai? Like creators realize that they can do a "transported to other world" show and not have it just be fanservice... I mean experiencing culture shock is a good one... or language barriers... different type of humanoids existing is cool (and please for the love of god there there is more to that then just animal ears)
Also, cause now i'm annoyed... wow this is probably the worst opening to an Isekai show i've ever seen... they start on a nekid girl i nthe middle of a lake singing...ok thats not what is bad
the intro song tells us in like 3 seconds how he got to the other world..
heres an idea... start with that, don't have the intro song play this episode and then you can end with nakid girl singing before big battle.
Anyways i'm being unfair and i haven't even gotten past the intro song...
... Yggdrasil is the tree that connects the worlds... not a world itself...
WOW all this exposition would have made a really interesting show BUT NOPE... i guess we just get a single exposition dump so we can get to the fanservice.
Question... why is this harem calling all the girls familial terms... we have brother and father so far...
Oh so... children are like slaves to the "patriarch" and little brothers or sisters are like.... slaves with opinions....
Like... I hate this so much... but part of me wonders how much worse can it get.
Oh boy the boob suffocation hug... man it didn't take long to get just that much worse.
Ok some positives.. he can call back the other world if certain cinditions are met... nice......... too bad i don't give a shit about this cause the only thing i know is from the intro song and sorry thats not enough to make me care.
Oh and right back into some bullshit.... and more characters with backstory that is explain instead of shown..... is this a sequel and i just don't know it?
checked MAL... NOPE it's not a sequel... it's just a shitty harem anime.
wow that was so bad... possibly the worst Isekai show opener i have ever seen (also like... i get this genre is really popular but omg I hope they slow down with it soon)

Music Girls
Omg it's K-on but with an Idol group.
So a girl who knows nothing about idols (or thinks idols mean something else) sees an idol group preform for the first time and instantly memorizes the choreography (which hey some people pick up that kind of thing fast... so had it just been that then whatever) but then she starts giving pointers on how some character were over extending limbs and magically this new girl who I want to reiterate has never seen or heard of an idol group before magically swoops in and fixes everything.... lets see hey magically be able to sing better then the rest of them with no training.
Ok... she grew up in a musical family... fair point.... but then she would have heard of idol groups... so still calling overall bullshit.
Oh hey they are actually showing what real idol fans age demo is... and yeah it's creepy seeing older men judge teenage girls based on their looks alone in animation too : D
YES... ok that ending made up for a lot of the bullshit. Still not going to watch the show but that was a great payoff. So if you want a show like Shirabako or New game! then yeah... this may be closer to that then some other idol shows... but man it took way too long to gt there.

Asobi Asobase
Oh what a pretty artstyle.... considering i've been seeing cruchy talk about butt lasers when referring to this show... something tells me the look is decptive.
Yep.... though I would have been fooled till 'that' scene if not for crunchy spoiling.... my own fauklt for taking 5 weeks to even give the new season of anime a try.
Not a huge fan of gag anime but if you want something that looks like it'll just be a slice of life funtimes but is just... comedy... then maybe this is for you.

Holmes of Kyoto
Please be good please be good please be good...
OMG... this was so good.... I wont be surprised it's my fav of the season. I am so happy right now.
Ok so theres a worker in an antique shop who has the nik-name Holmes. He is very good at apprasiing stuff and when Aoi first steps into his store he sizes her up perfectly. this is a story about her starting to work at that store and the mysteries they solve together.
The art is great, perfect balance of comedy and serious moments. shoujo sparkles everywhere... I am so happy i'll be able to enjoy this over the summer.
Oh man i was feeling like such a grouch this was such a breath of fresh air.

Phantom in the Twilight
Is this a cafe show run by a vampire? if thats what this is then i'm going to have a good time.
I know there are like a bunch of cafe shows but... I just love them most of the time?
Ok so it's half cafe show/ half mythical... uh...magical (?) creatures solve problems... I am 100% good with this.

Angolmois: Record of Mongol Invasion
The way this show is animated is stunning however it does not take very long to get extremely violent.
Seems like it could be an interesting telling of the events in the title but the violence is just a bit too much for me and i think it's just gunna get worse from here.

Lord of Vermillion: The Crimson King
People are fighting... it's very red...
oh man just when you think there cant be anymore characters they just keep adding more and killing them off...
Ok so we get a little backstory... sounds kills everyone... well vaporizes? anyways most people are dead but some are not for reasons? oh wait maybe not? looks like city still has a lost of people... anyways...
uh.... he gets hurt and then powers activate? It seems like it's a neat concept... but it also seems like it's a huge cast and I get the feeling the ending wont be satisfying. maybe when it's done it'll be a good marathonable show but week to week I feel like it's going to be cliffhanger central.

Yuuna and the Haunted Hot Springs
Please be less then 20 mins.... please...
Fffffff... ok well... lets give it a shot...
at least 4 panty shots in the intro song... honestly that was less then i expected in a show where every episode is the hot spring episode.
OK japan... i have now seen this in a few different shows... why lense flares to cover things. like they are ina hot spring. Do steam...
Anyways so the gimmick is that this psychic can drive away spirits with one punch... but this time the ghost is a girl... and punching girls is a no go.
cute concept... too bad it's full of fanservice bullshit... i just... i can't

We Rent Tsukumogami
Ever wanted something but wished you could just rent it? well this cute little shop has you covered... only what they rent may just sprout legs and walk back to the store. See the items they rent are actually yokai.
Seems like they also deal in request dealing with this certain kind of yokai.
Hm... With a premise like that I thought I would enjoy this... but I didn't.
Didn't like the look or the characters, the plot is whatever... don't love the "we are siblings but not related so it's ok" plot line they are putting in even if they are keeping each other at a distance.
This just didn't resonate... well i guess that happens occasionally.

Starlight Promises
.... 5 weeks in and only ep 1 is out?
*blink* was that a.... football logo? wait is this show the reason why crunchy is promoting that guy who does sports but also likes anime? neato
anyways this is an hour long so hopefully it's good.
*wipes away all the tears* thats ok... i didn't need my heart anyways.
So... dunno why this has "episode 1" at the start cause this is just a hour long move
and it's really good.
Some things are kinda just left open but you know what it works.
My only criticism is that theres a cg section near the end and some of the modles take away from the beauty of the scene.... but dancing is hard to draw i get it.
OK upon review of the first second of the anime... the logo i saw was Xflag B.B.Q.
..... So i guess they are just promtign the sports guy cause people need to realise anime isn't a genre and that anyone can like it....
but yeah maybe not the most interesting story but i still enjoyed it and it's not even that long.

Muhyo & Roji's Bureau of Supernatural Investigations
One of the perks of starting this list so late into the new season Is i can say with some amount of certainty that this will be the last show i'll talk about.
I know Amazon has some titles but I really dislike their layout/player/subs so i'm passing.
So it's about a law firm that exorcises spirits... t has everything i should like in a sho but it'd just not doing ti for me... doesn't help that i really hate the style.
Not a bad show but i'll not be watching.

And with that I am done! not much this season but... a few fun shows to catch up on~
What are your fav shows this season? feel free to let me know!

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